How to Change Column Data Become Line In Microsoft Excel - Worksheet consists from several cells are arranged vertically and horizontally. Data on the vertical cell structure called the data columns and named by the alphabet: A, B, C, D, and so on. While data on the composition of the horizontal cells is called a data line and were named with numbers ie 1,2,3,4 and so on.
You can change the column data into a data row or rows of data into columns of data quickly and easily. Suppose you want to change the column data into the data line. Well simply follow the steps below:1. First selection column data is converted into data lines, for example A1: C8.
2. Then click the Copy icon on the Home tab section Clipboard or press Ctrl + C
3. Then put the cursor in place that you want, for example cell A11.
4. Next press the small triangle at the bottom of the Paste icon and select Paste special option.
5. In the Paste Special dialog box, mark the check box Transpose.
6. Then click the OK button. The result will look the data column turned into a data line like the example shown below.
That's a short explanation from me about How to Change Column Data Become Line In Microsoft Excel, may be useful for all of you guys.
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