If a column or row that is hidden in a Microsoft Excel sheet into one column / row on the area in-select, then copied and pasted just like that, what happens is as the following illustration.
In the image below, hidden columns C and D, which appear only AB and E
If you copy and paste it to another sheet, the result is exactly the same as the copy (picture above), the column AB and E as well as C and E hidden, or all columns copied including all hidden so ABCDE looks like below this:
So how to keep that hidden not be copied? Follow the steps below:
1. Select the area you want the copy
2. On the Home tab, find Group Editing (see arrows in the figure below), and then click Find & Select button, then select the Go To Special.
3. Will appear the Go To Special command window like the one below, select Visible cells only, and then click the OK button
In the image below, hidden columns C and D, which appear only AB and E
If you copy and paste it to another sheet, the result is exactly the same as the copy (picture above), the column AB and E as well as C and E hidden, or all columns copied including all hidden so ABCDE looks like below this:
So how to keep that hidden not be copied? Follow the steps below:
1. Select the area you want the copy
2. On the Home tab, find Group Editing (see arrows in the figure below), and then click Find & Select button, then select the Go To Special.
3. Will appear the Go To Special command window like the one below, select Visible cells only, and then click the OK button
4. After that, you can Copy area you've Select the step number one, then Paste on the sheet that you want and the result is that Hidden will not be copied.
Thus by copying columns in Excel so that tar-hidden not be copied. Just the same way to row. Easy, right ??
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