How to add words behind the numeric data Microsoft Excel

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Creating a unit behind the numeric data Excel - Have you seen the report the sale of goods at a store or company? What's there? The one that exists in the data is the unit.
An example is a report on a dealer car sales. There will be written how many cars are sold each day, week, or month.

Surely you will be wondering how to make the name of a data unit of a case in the example above retrospective case series. You do not need to bother thinking how.
With Microsoft Office Exel you can make the data as above. So how? Do we have to add the name of the unit at each end of numbers? Certainly not because it can take long time.

For a more efficient way, you can you can follow the tutorial below.

How to add the name of the unit on writing numbers in Microsoft Office Excel 2007

  1. Prepare the data that you want to add the name of the unit. For example, copy the data following car dealer sales reports as material data.
  2.  From the data above, we will add UNIT unit in each data unit in the form of sales of cars. If you are already a block on the numbers that will be named unit. In this example we cel block B4 (the first cell will be named the unit) to F15 (last cell).
  3.  Then on the Home tab please click the small arrow on the group or it could be the Number tab by pressing Ctrl + 1. Then select Custom (see figure below).
  4.  Typing # "Unit" in the input box Type. For more details, please see the following picture.
  5.  click OK. Then you will get the data like this.

That tutorial how to add the name of the unit behind the numeric data in Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Easy, right? Who said Excel was difficult? :)

Blog, Updated at: 08.35

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