How to Make Excel Formula Unchanged when copied

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How to Make Formula Unchanged In Excel - One when you use Microsoft Excel, you want to create a formula that you copied unchanged. Sometimes we want to change a part of the formula.
We will study the relative address and absolute address. Maybe you are unfamiliar with these words. But actually you've ever made a cell relative and absolute cell unknowingly. Well, what about the notion and function of the relative address and absolute address this.
Go see the following discussion:

Relative address
This relative address often we have encountered in the writing and copying an Excel formula. As the term is relative, this address we need if we want to copy a formula that varies relative to the address that we make reference.
If we have a formula which is an operation of some of the cell, Excel will automatically translate the relative address as the relative location of a cell address or a range of other leisure locations.
Instead of confusion immediately refer for example.

In the Cell A5 contains the formula "= A3*A4", then, if the formula is copied to cell B5 by pressing the plus sign (+) which are corner cells (drag and drop), in Automated changed to "B3*B4".

multiplication formula
Getting to know the absolute address
This is what we were looking for, create a formula that does not change when copied. The absolute address is the address that is always the same value even though the formula in the copy anywhere.

 So suppose a function formula copied to other cell then cell the address did not change. Writing absolute address is always added a sign "$" in the name of the column and / or row number or by pressing the F4 key on the keyboard. 

Absolute address is divided into two, namely:

  • semi absolute

If seen from the names we already know, that this is the absolute only sell the address on the key one, either row or column.
More details see the description of the following example: $A3: examples like this made for locking the column A, this way when the cell is copied to right address cell will remain readable as $A3 instead of B3, but when copied down the address of the cell will turn into $A4. A$3: examples like this done to locking line 3, in this way when the cell is copied down the address cell will still be read as A$3 instead of A4, but when copied to right cell address will be changed to B$3.

His name alone is absolute, absolute sell this means the lock is full of all rows and columns in sell address. More details, please note the following example cases.

At the A5 sell us fill in the formula "
=A3*$A$4". If the formula that we Copy to sell B5, then the formula will be "=B3*$A$4". Seen that address A4 will remain while the A3 will change.
Sell A4 is called absolute addresses. See the following picture to make it more clear.

 If copy into cell B5 will be as below.

Quite clear what is meant relative cell address, a cell address semi absolute and absolute cell address? Hopefully you can get a good result. 

Blog, Updated at: 04.05

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